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The college has a well-stocked library, named as Krishna Kanta Handiqui Library, with a good variety and range of collections. Currently, it houses around 54,178 books, national/international journals/periodicals in Assamese, Hindi and English languages and subscribes 15 national and local dailies. Moreover, it has a good collection of Encyclopaedias relating to different subjects. For the benefit of library users, a Xerox machine is also installed inside the library premises. The library has already introduced book searching facilities, to its readers through OPAC. The borrowing of books facilities (circulation) has also been introduced to the college students & teachers through "Koha Integrated Library Management Software" .
A UGC networking center has been introduced in the library for academic purposes. The library has a relevant section with net connection for the benefit of students and teachers. The Krishna Kanta Handiqui Library subscribe various numbers of e- Journals & e-books from N-List “National Library and Information Services Infrastructure for Scholarly content” and digitized of 15 old manuscripts (Sachipotia Puthi) , rare books & old J’BIAN(college magazine). The digitization works is going on for other rare books.